Monday, December 7, 2009

I've got desperate desires and unadmirable plans

My cousin inspired me that I shouldn't only have a news year resolution. So, I am planning a monthly resolution because I am going to be more likely to achieve my goal. My number one goal is to lose 5 lbs a month. If its higher than great but I will not settle for less. Ever since I moved I have been feeling like poop. It is time for a drastic change for the sake of my health and body figure. I haven't really mentioned this to people but lately I have been doing about 700 stairs up and down to help me get back in shape. I have never noticed how bad I got. I thought my lungs and whole body was going to burst. The more I do it the better I feel (though I didn't lose any weight.) So possible bikini body for summer here I come . <3

Saturday, December 5, 2009

I wish no one in my place.

I am defiantly having one of "those" days today. It all started at 530 am when I was awaken from my deep sleep because I had a major muscle cramp. Even after going back to bed I only was able to sleep in until 9 (which is not sleeping in). Thinking I was off to a rough start I figured I would make the most of the day. I started doing my laundry and came upstairs to take my medicine shake. I had the smart idea to use boiling water to dissolve the medicine faster. As I went to shake it all up the lid popped off and I spilled the boiling water all over myself and burned my hand and part of my stomach. Since my clothes were in the washing machine I could not change out of my disgusting, wet clothes. My cousin then came to pick me up to go to the mall called square 1 I walked around for three hours and did not buy one single thing. GAH. Shopping was my plan to feel better, not worse. So on the ride home I start feeling kinda funky,yupp, I now am sick with a stomach ache and a sore throat. To make myself feel better I went to make some tea and pasta. Once the pasta was done I pored the sauce in and just my luck, the sauce was moldy. Back to my room I was so tired I could not focus on studying and check my marks only to find out I failed my first major assignment. I really want to vomit right now because I am so aggravated. BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. I am having a HORRIBLE day.