Sunday, August 30, 2009

The act becomes the art of growing up

Moving day... I have been dreading this day for the last month. It feels so unreal. I just want to walk down the stairs and see my parents and sisters walk out the door at sit at Kelsos house. Its weird. I went to Kelsos right before we left to say my goodbyes for now. I'm going to miss her so much it is not even funny. I need her "like water in my lungs". Why couldn't this be easier? Unpacking took what seemed like forever. Boxes everywhere. The positive side is that I had to up and down the stairs constantly so I probably lost one of the two pieces of ice cream cake I had last night. Another plus side is that my roommates are really nice. although, a small downside was that I accidentally crazy glued my fingers together. Word of advise, don't do that. After my parents left though it hit me. There not coming back to see me everyday and they aren't going to be here when I get home from school. I think this was the hardest I cried in my whole life. I don't think I really got out of bed. I'm sinking like a stone in the sea. I miss everybody but it is the first step in growing up; growing apart.

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